API Reference

Wallet Activity Labels

Classifies a wallet's behaviour according to its on-chain activity. Each wallet has labels for volume (ETH value transacted), activity (number of unique transactions), and wash (proportion of trades suspected to be washes).
Labels for volume_status include: zero (no transactions), light (less than ~0.75 ETH transacted), neutral (less than ~100 ETH transacted), high (over ~100 ETH transacted)
Labels for activity_status include: zero (no transactions), dormant (fewer than ~12 transactions), neutral (fewer than ~200 transactions), active (over ~200 transactions)
Labels for wash_status include: none (no suspected washes), low (fewer 5% of transactions are suspected washes), moderate (fewer 50% of transactions are suspected washes), high (over 50% of transactions are suspected washes)
Note: label weights are based on constant quantiles so exact thresholds are subject to change.

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